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Keep Rolling, Rolling, Rolling

It’s SATURDAY!!!! Almost one full week since I began this journey. Almost 7 full days since I made a decision to be a better me. I’m not sure I’d call today a cheat day or not. I didn’t have sweets, I kept the calories fairly low and I worked out.

Back and Abs.

Tomorrow is an early day and then just an early week at work all around. I did the worst thing I could do: I brought my work home with me! And then didn’t touch it -_-. It’ll get done. Tomorrow is another day, right?

What’s on the workout menu tomorrow? Chest, Arms, Cardio and Shoulders.

I don’t know. I feel pretty good. I’m proud of me. I’m proud of my workout buddy. Yeah, we slip up but, it’s a work in progress. All I can say is that if you have a goal, do all you can to get to it. Of course it’s important that you make sure those goals are realistic. The last thing you want is some out-of-reach aspiration and do all this hard work to get there, not get there, quit. No. I learned a long time ago it was important to set your goals and then set subgoals (those little things you need to do to get to the finish line). But then, don’t stop there. What happens when that goal is complete? Do you just … stop?


You make another one. So. My Goal 2.1 is: after reaching an acceptable weight, I have to maintain it. Sounds simple, but it isn’t.

How’s it rolling world? What are you doing for you?

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