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Day 4: Ujamaa

Habari Gani? Ujamaa!

The fourth day of Kwanzaa is Ujamaa which represents Cooperative Economics. This principle is another one that focuses on the importance of not just working, but working together. Ujamaa reinforces the notion that in order to succeed we have to come together and support each other. In other words: “A bird builds with the feathers of others.”

Think about it. Thriving communities are the ones in which members support each other. It can be the student candy sale (remember those?), a community car wash or something as simple as supporting your local businesses. For US, it means something extra. It means supporting Black-owned businesses. It means not being a crab in a bucket. It means not trying to always compete against each other, but supporting each other. Then, and only then will our struggle, our work represented by the red candles, turn into hope for the future (the green candles).



As you progress through the Kwanzaa celebration, remember that each principle builds upon the last, just like our past built our present, and our present will build our future. Here are some things to do on Ujamaa day:

  • Light the last RED candle as you ask and answer: Habari Gani? Ujamaa!
  • Pour a drink into the Unity cup in remembrance of those who are no longer here.
  • Discuss the ways the Black community has shown support for its members. Try to think beyond protests. If you have trouble thinking of things, now is a good time to discuss how YOU will do more in the coming year to practice cooperative economics.
  • This is also about family so take this moment to discuss how, as a family, you’ve practiced Ujamaa and how you will increase your involvement in the coming year.
  • Enjoy your Karamu if one is prepared (note: you may also save the feast until the last night)

2 responses »

  1. Pingback: Day 4:Ujamaa, Disabled-ly | Four Wheel Workout

  2. Pingback: Celebrating the Nguzo Saba 365 | Four Wheel Workout

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